Oreo came forward with an ambitious plan to send one lucky Oreo-lover to outer space!
This campaign was an all hands on deck showing of Bulletproofs capabilities not only in Motion Design but also packaging and brand cohesion. For my role in this I created a "fly through" of outer space involving assets created for the Cosmic Dunk route. By scanning the QR code on the packaging users would get an AR experience flying through the various Oreo constellations!
I created this fly through from scratch in a way that allowed for the fast-paced changes to be easily edited in. We we're working against the clock to get the look and feel just right in time to present and I had to begin the motion largely before we had sign off on how the looks would materialize. This was a huge learning opportunity for me to be able to work efficiently while also keeping my files flexible enough to switch and swap in updated assets from our design team!